29 Jul Fundamental Leadership
Certificate in Fundamental Leadership is a course for leaders that requires the approval of the School authority before registration. It is a Certificate program aimed at developing a strong foundation in those called into leadership roles in ministry and other spheres of life. It combines the Featured schools with few other courses. This course is specifically structured to train leaders that desire a strong foundation in their walk with God.
Frequently asked Questions.
What background knowledge is necessary
This class is provided to see men and women called into different areas of Ministries and Leadership, strongly grounded on the Word of Faith doctrines, New creation Realities, Knowing who they are in Christ Jesus as a result of his death and Resurrection. It discusses on the subject of the Holy Spirit, a comprehensive study on all about Prayer. There is a whole lesson on the School of Faith and It introduces us to different Ministry gifts and Callings. We end this class by getting an in-depth knowledge on the subject of Kingdom Leadership, Divine connections, and Stages of spiritual growth.
How long is this program?
The course is usually a 3-month program consisting of virtual online classes, assignments and quizzes after the completion of each lesson.
Do I need to take the courses in the School in a specific order?
Not necessarily but requires the approval of authority, but we recommend to take the PFNetwork Featured courses first in order to establish one’s foundation in Christ.
What is the refund policy?
Fees are non- refundable once the class has started, but refund can be discussed on an individual basis.
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