PFNetwork School of Ministry
$250About this course
This course describes the differences between one’s calling and ministry. There will be an emphasis on different types of callings, gifts and the functioning of Grace over these gifts. There will also be a focus on the five-fold ministry gifts and other ministry gifts in the body of Christ. The different mountains of the world system and the place of the church in the world will be discussed as well as broad teaching on the five-fold ministry gift and their diversities. There will also be sections on the person of the Holy and the anointing released on each ministry gift.
Frequently asked Questions.
What background knowledge is necessary
This is a basic fundamental course for every believer that is interested in knowing all about Ministry gifts and living a victorious Christian life. Requirement for this course will be having accepted Jesus as your personal Lord and Savior.
How long is this program?
The course is usually a 3-month program but you can take longer depending on your schedule
Do I need to take the courses in the School in a specific order?
Not necessarily, but we recommend to take the School of Faith first in order to establish one’s foundation in Christ.
What is the refund policy?
Fees are non- refundable once the class has started, but refund can be discussed on an individual basis.
Dr Toyin Ogundipe
Khawar (John) Roshan
Urdu Teacher
What is a Calling?
What is Ministry?
Differences between one’s calling and ministry. Different types of callings Types of Ministry gifts Calling, Gifts and Grace The 7 mountains of the World system The exaltation of the End-time Church The Holy Spirit and his Anointing.
Our course begins with the first step for generating great user experiences: understanding what people do, think, say, and feel. In this module, you’ll learn how to keep an open mind while learning.
Total numbers of students in course
A Place of the Word and the Holy Ghost